Lunch or coffee at Kretsloppshuset in Mörsil

We at Åre Travel recommend you to stop at Kretsloppshuset your way to or from Åre. It’s not a long detour from the E14, but feel free to make the stop a small excursion in itself.

What is the Cycle House in Mörsil

Kretsloppshuset is so much more than a cafe with food service. Behind the house, the chickens stroll around, providing the eggs for the café’s homemade pancakes, and sitting inside the hundred-year-old building feels like sitting in the middle of a greenhouse.

Forest berries are a main ingredient in the lovely desserts that are served and the small shop is filled with organic products, you can stroll around, find the house processing of the forest berries and many other organic and inventive things.

Kretsloppshuset is “a house where joy and inspiration for a sustainable lifestyle are big and small. And for 20 years!”

The garden that is Mörsil’s pride

Serving groups are located outside in the yard, inside the cafe building or in the greenhouse – choose your place to enjoy the food craft. A swing hangs in the shade for young and old. In summer, you look at the greenhouse, the rose garden and the hens that lay eggs for the pancakes. Weather and wind can decide whether you sit outside under the trees or inside next to coffee bushes and grapes. Regardless, it’s calm and cosy. In the store with its century-old interior, you can stroll around, find the house’s processing of forest berries and much else organic and smart.

White Guide recommends Kretsloppshuset

“The culinary foundation consists of perfectly prepared seasonal vegetables – always organic, preferably locally produced – to some extent also from our own cultivation. Meat and fish are handled with the same care. And the kitchen, headed by one of the owners, puts the flavors right in the center. After two decades, Kretsloppshuset continues to develop relentlessly” White Guide


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